By engaging and enhancing the collective strengths of individual Children’s Services Councils and Trusts, FACCT promotes statewide policies that build effective prevention and early intervention systems of supports for Florida’s children and families.


Florida Alliance of Children's Councils and Trusts

The Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils and Trusts (FACCT) is a non-profit organization leading businesses, agencies and other key stakeholders in work efforts that support Florida’s children, youth and families. FACCT serves as the statewide umbrella organization for the Children’s Services Councils and Trusts. By engaging and enhancing the collective strengths of individual Children’s Services Councils and Trusts, FACCT promotes statewide policies that build effective prevention and early intervention systems of supports for Florida’s children and families. With intentional focus on collective impact and evidence-based strategies, FACCT coordinates resources and system development activities to enhance Florida’s collective efforts and ensure children are healthy, learned and prepared for a successful future. FACCT compliments the work of community Children’s Services Councils and Trusts by focusing on state-level system development strategies on a prenatal to career spectrum with recognition that more effective systems and policies increase the abilities of communities to maximize resources and make strategic investments which support better outcomes for children and families.

FACCT is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of member Children’s Services Councils and Trusts Chief Executive Officers. The Executive Board is charged with creating and implementing a strategic plan by directing FACCT’s CEO. Officers of the Executive Board include the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary who serve two-year terms.

Children’s Services Councils and Trusts

Creating a local Children’s Services Council or Trust begins with the vision and commitment of the county’s citizens. It is through the efforts of local citizens that the creation of a Children’s Services Council or Trust is written on a ballot for all county citizens to cast their vote or created by County Commissioners. Once approved by voters or the County Commission, a Children’s Services Council or Trust is officially created through a local ordinance.

A Children’s Services Council or Trust oversees funding for programs and services that improve the lives of children and their families. Chapter 125 of Florida Statutes (passed in 1986) governs the creation and operation of a Children’s Services Council, commonly referred to as a CSC, or Trust. Florida is one of the only states in the nation that empowers communities to create a local government with the sole purpose of investing in the well-being of children.

Lisa Williams-Taylor, Ph.D.

A Message from Our Chair

At the Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils and Trusts, we believe Florida’s children are our most important resource – they are our future. That’s why, first and foremost, FACCT advocates for our state’s children and families. We serve as a leading voice in educating lawmakers about children’s issues and why investing in prevention and early intervention services is so critical to supporting our children and families. We want to ensure all children have every opportunity to reach their full potential, which means that they are born healthy, free from maltreatment, ready and successful in school, and supported in their homes and communities.

We know that for all of this to happen, Florida must invest in the more than four million children who call this beautiful state their home. We also know that to be successful, we must partner with local organizations and statewide leaders to ensure a policy agenda that embraces Florida’s children. Because when our children and families are healthy, safe and strong, we all benefit.