Creating a Children’s Service Council does not happen overnight. A county interested in creating a CSC should first document local needs and build community support. When seeking to create a new Children’s Services Council, it is essential to demonstrate that the investment of taxpayer dollars will yield measurable returns. Those returns come in the shape of improving the lives of children and their families, as well as improving the community as a whole. Early investments in children also translate into greater savings down the road. Crime rates decline. It reduces the need for costlier, state-funded programs and services. More children have access to healthcare.
Communities that want to establish an independent Children’s Services Council must first gain support from the county commissioners to pass a local ordinance. Then the county commission must agree to place the issue on the local ballot for voter approval. For a dependent Children’s Services Council, the community must convince its county commissioners to create one, which they can then do by local ordinance. The formula for success depends on the needs and desire of the community.
Consider the Initial Steps:
We are available to answer questions for communities interested in creating a local Children’s Services Council. Contact us!